WebPDF v1.0.1 Released

/   7 January 2011

WebPDF v1.0.1 has just been released. This update brings a few changes regarding URL loading (you can now specify a home page and we add “https://” for you if you forget) as well as introduces minor tweaks to the main window interface. Additionally you’ll find that the Save PDF dialog box will now start remembering where you last saved a PDF to. All of these changes should be quite useful, but the single biggest change in WebPDF v1.0.1 is completely invisible to the average user. You know that “Send Feedback…” item in the Help menu. The window it brings up so you can send us feedback on WebPDF has been completely rewritten, as has the server code that actually accepts your feedback. There are only two visible changes in that window to hint at the massive under-the-hood changes, I challenge you to figure out what those changes are (and test out the feedback system to submit your guesses). WebPDF v1.0.1 is now available both by using the in-app software updater or by heading over to the WebPDF Product Page.