WebPDF v1.0.3 Released

/   15 April 2011

Just a few minutes ago a minor update to WebPDF was released, v1.0.3. What does this minor update change or fix? The only visible changes are to the History menu. First you will no longer see URLs displayed, instead you see page titles. Second the Clear item now goes gray when the History menu is empty (right after you use the Clear function before you navigate to another page). Beyond the visible changes we’ve made numerous bug fixes based on dealing with warnings and static analyzer results in Xcode and once again (I promise for the final time for a long time) changed the URLs to our backend support mechanisms, you know, our web-based software WebPDF talks to for update checking, feedback submitting, and crash reporting. Anyway, you can grab WebPDF v1.0.3 either from within WebPDF or by heading on over to the WebPDF Product Page. Any comments regarding this new version can be posted either in the comments here, at our discussion forums, or by using the “Send Feedback…” option in WebPDF itself.